The History of Edwin J. Kiest
Masonic Lodge #1310
Masonic Lodge #1310 was named after Edwin J. Kiest for his dedication to many developments in Dallas. Edwin J. Kiest’s public influence in Dallas as the owner of Daily Times-Herald, later named The Dallas Times Herald, resulted in Lake Dallas in Denton County to provide an adequate water supply for the City of Dallas. He also served as president of the State Fair of Texas, president of the Dallas City Park Board, director of Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas (now Texas A&M), director of the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital, and many others. Edwin J. Kiest was a 3rd degree Mason and in 1948 Texas Grand Lodge approved a charter for Masonic Lodge #1310 was dedicated in his name. Masonic Lodges are made up of members dedicated to serving their communities through fund raising and volunteering.
Photograph, Portrait of Edwin John Kiest. Image courtesy of the University of North Texas. Image available on the Internet and included in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107.
Notable Members of Service
Henry Martin
Past Master and Secretary -Edwin J. Kiest Lodge
Past Patron - Edwin J. Kiest O.E.S. #959
Past Grand Patron - The Grand Chapter of Texas
Past Most Worth Grand Patron - Grand Chapter OES
33 degree Scottish Rite Mason
Benny Plunkett
Two-time Past Master - Edwin J. Kiest Lodge
Past Master - Roy Stanley Lodge #1326
50 year Masonic Service Pin
Lifetime “A” Certificate Holder - Masonic Instructor
David "Mike" Biddler
Past Master and current Treasurer - Edwin J. Kiest Lodge
Past Master - Highland Park Lodge #1150
Lifetime “A” Certificate Holder - Masonic Instructor
Henry Wade